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30th anniversary: Our member Unwanted Witness shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member VOICE shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member Nupef shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member Open Culture Foundation shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member Empower shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member CITAD shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30° aniversario: nuestra miembro Sylvia Cadena comparte su visión para APC en los próximos 10 años
30th anniversary: Our member Vera Vieira shares her vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member Body and Data shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member Jinbonet shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member Digital Empowerment Foundation shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30th anniversary: Our member WOUGNET shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
30° aniversario: nuestro miembro Damián Loreti comparte su visión para APC en los próximos 10 años
30th anniversary: Our member 7amleh shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
HRC44: APC statement on racism and related intolerance
HRC44: APC statement on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association
HRC 44: APC statement on freedom of opinion and expression
Challenge lecture series - III
Speaking of Hatred part II: Adoption of hate as a political tool by states
Strengthening the technical resiliency of the Pamoja Net community network
Speaking of Hatred Part I: Deconstructing the gendered nature of religion-based hate and violence
Community networks in Africa dialogue: 5G in the age of COVID-19
Discotech on Environment and ICTs
Disco-tech on Environment and ICTs_short clip
Disco-tech on Environment and ICTs
Feminist talks on a feminist internet
Economic, social and cultural rights - What does the internet have to do with them?
Nodes that bond: Portal sem Porteiras
Women and community networks in Africa
Challenge hate speech: What does your hate speech monster look like?
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