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HRC 49: Joint oral statement on privacy and data protection
2022-03-03 LOCNET Webinar All Eyes On Content
Video Cátalogo
Solar Energy improving Performance in Schools
Jxah Wejxia, fortaleciendo nuestra comunicación
Intranet en nuestro pueblo
Ciracap community-based internet infrastructure
Local Internet Service Provider enabling last mile connectivity
The Ju|’hoansi people's digital network: Talking around Elephants
Indigenous communities charting their journey through the community network way
COW - Community Owned Wireless Mesh, Karnataka
A conversation with Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression
APC Member Convening 2021: Graphic highlights
INTERVOZES – Coletivo Brasil de Comunicação Social
APC Member Convening 2021: APC network, a community of communities
Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA)
Building an enabling environment for community networks in Brazil
Construindo um ambiente de incentivo às redes comunitárias no Brasil
Community networks in Brazil
Redes comunitárias
Latin America lightning talks on community networks projects
Pamoja Net : Connecter les non-connectés
Ending violence in Mexico: "Again and again we came up with the lack of access to justice for women," says Erika Smith
Resourceful Technology for Community Networks: Bamboo Towers
How technology informs my activism - A conversation with Hilary Goldstein
Open spectrum for development - Part 7
Open spectrum for development - Part 6
Open spectrum for development - Part 5
Open spectrum for development - Part 4
Open spectrum for development - Part 3
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