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A conversation with Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

On 21st October 2021, an informal side event to the 76th session of the UN General Assembly marked the formal presentation of the Special Rapporteur’s new report on Freedom of Expression and Gender Justice to the UN General Assembly.

This was the first report in the 27 years’ history of the mandate to be devoted exclusively to the challenges that women face in exercising their freedom of opinion and expression offline and online.


Irene Khan, UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression

Nahla Haidar, Vice Chairperson, CEDAW

Jineth Bedoya, Editor, El Tiempo Colombia

Julie Posetti, Global Director of Research at the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ)

Danya Centeno, Public Policy Manager for Latin America, Twitter

Jac sm Kee, Numun Fund founder and digital rights defender

Paula Martins, Policy Advocacy Lead, Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

Facilitation: Sheena Magenya, Women's Rights Programme coordinator at the Association for Progressive Communications.


3 years ago

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gender · freedom of expression · disinformation

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Rights (apc) · Feminist internet (apc)

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