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Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2022 in Ethiopia – Episode 2

In this episode of Local Sound Bites we talked to Atnaf Brhane, an Ethiopian activist and human rights defender. He is one of the founders of the Zone 9 Bloggers network and co-founder of the Center for Advancement of Rights and Democracy. He has a strong focus on internet shutdowns and their impact on human rights.

About this segment:

Local Sound Bites is a daily audio segment produced by APC during the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) where we provide a space for local voices in the host country to speak up and to learn from them. We expect this to be a valuable learning space to engage with local actors on the ground every year during the IGF.


2 years ago

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internet governance · Local Sound Bites · Ethiopia

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Internet governance (apc) · Rights (apc) · Access (apc) · Local sound bites (apc)

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