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Community networks in Africa dialogue: 5G in the age of COVID-19

On 22nd April 2020, Rhizomatica collaborators Steve Song and Peter Bloom provided a a 90 minutes long overview of what 5G is and its implications, with a specific focus on the African context. Some of the questions they addressed were:

  • What is 5G?
  • What are the technical, social and regulatory implications of 5G?
  • How soon will 5G networks start appearing in Africa?
  • What about the rumors circulating around 5G and coronavirus?"

This discussion was hosted as part of the project titled, “Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves?” carried out by APC in partnership with Rhizomática, with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). 


4 years, 11 months ago

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community networks · access · 5G · Africa

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