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The Ju|’hoansi people's digital network: Talking around Elephants

The Ju|’hoansi people and the !Huin!om project (Namibia)

5 min | Juǀʼhoan and English

Oral storytelling is very important to the 3,000 Ju|’hoansi people who live in 40 villages in the bush and in the town of Tsumkwe in northeastern Namibia. As people in villages do not have electricity or motorcars, our project took a solar panel and a power bank to each village. The power bank is also an audio speaker and people quickly learned how to set up the solar panel to charge it. Our project also gave each village a cell phone. But because there is no cell phone network in most villages, our communication system could not be online. Instead the team built a special offline social network that sends messages by Bluetooth. This short film captures Ju|’hoansi people’s thoughts, challenges and joys on the project. It also presents their wishes for the future and introduces us to their knowledge, way of living and beautiful landscapes.


3 years, 2 months ago

Collected in

Routing for Communities (apc)

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CC BY 4.0


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