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Jxah Wejxia, fortaleciendo nuestra comunicación

J'xah Wejxia communication group and Colnodo (Colombia)

11' min | Spanish (English subtitles)

In the ancestral territory of Sa'th Tama Kiwe, there have been different collaborative communication processes over time. Orality, dreams, sign language, messages through smoke, fireworks, radio and television are the media that have accompanied the Indigenous Nasa and campesino people's life plans and their defense of autonomy for "good living" (buen vivir). After the peace dialogue between the Colombian government and the FARC and as the beginning of reconciliation for a territorial peace, the community, including ex-combatants and other actors, have worked hand-in-hand to strengthen communication, mainly through the internet and intranet as well as new technologies. The construction of a community network has been a process that has brought benefits and opportunities that improve the quality of life in the region and also revitalises ancestral knowledge, allowing the transmission of local knowledge. The appropriation of technology has been fundamental for territorial control and the exercise of effective autonomy, as well as for access to and dynamisation of the health, education and economic systems. This audiovisual production, produced by a group of young people from the Nasa Indigenous Resguardo of Pueblo Nuevo, tells the story of the construction of the Jxa'h Wejxia Casil network that began operating in September 2020 in the municipalities of Caldono and Silvia in Cauca (Colombia).


3 years, 2 months ago

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Routing for Communities (apc)

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