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Feminist Forwards: Creating content to make the internet work for you

Enjoy this third Feminist Learning Circle from Take Back the Tech!

Description: How many of us are in WhatsApp groups that send endless rounds of good morning wishes, filling up your phone with perhaps well-meaning but meaningless messages and images? What if you could give back some creative, feminist messaging that questions online gender-based violence, gender stereotypes, or gives practical digital safety tips? Smita's "Feminist forwards" session is all about making creative content using images and text as counternarratives to the common "forwards" so many of us receive.

Instructor: Smita Vanniyar works with Point of View, a non-profit based in Bombay, India, at the intersection of gender, sexuality, and technology. They are interested in stories, books, history, tech, fandoms, art, and in queering all of it. She can be generally found wandering the cyberspace or hunting for good coffee.

Session recorded on 23 September 2019



5 years, 3 months ago

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