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Even machines dream: Feminist Robots on Twitter

Enjoy this second Feminist Learning Circle from Take Back the Tech!

Description: Let's play with our feminist expression on the internet! In this session, we offer a short introduction to bots and afterward we kick off a hands-on session on how to design and give life to a feminist bot* (robot) on Twitter.

Instructor: Steffania Paola is a Brazilian feminist activist; web developer, designer and visual artist, and digital security trainer. She collaborates with different Latin American organizations. She received a scholarship from the Mozilla Foundation (FORD-Mozilla Open Web Fellowship 2016-2017) in Derechos Digitales (Chile). She is part of the collective acoso.online, co-founder of the feminist server clandestina.io, part of the ciberseguras.org network and one of the editors of the contemporary art publication teteia.org.

This session was recorded on 22 August 2019



5 years, 3 months ago

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Feminist Learning Circles (apc)

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