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CURTAIN UP: **Bamboo towers designed for Community Networks**


Masts and towers are vital for well functioning community networks (CNs). They are key to increase the coverage and reach of antennas, permit point to point connections over roofs and trees, help to get solar panels out of the shade and so on.

Bamboo gives communities the chance to use locally available resources to build this critical infrastructure. But how to do it? The Indian Institute of Technology from Bombay (IIT) and the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) have worked hard to design new prototypes, tailor made for the uses of CNs.

On October 25th at 10UTC the bamboo tower designs will be presented by Prof. Siddhartha Ghosh (IIT), Adhi Nugraha (ITB) and their respective teams to the CN community in a first public showing. Your chance to engage, ask questions or even decide to take the first steps to replicate prototypes in your territories.


2 years, 5 months ago

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community networks · passive infrastructure · bamboo

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