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Media tagged with: internet governance
Fragmentos sonoros sobre acceso en el FGI 2023: El modelo de acceso a subasta tiene que cambiar
Fragmentos sonoros sobre acceso en el FGI 2023: Redes comunitarias pueden hacer la diferencia
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: Reduce the costs of data bundles
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: Affordability is a roadblock
Pílulas de aúdio no IGF 2023: Pensando a inclusão
Pílulas de aúdio sobre acesso no IGF 2023: Dois grandes desafios
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: Multilingual internet for digital inclusion
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: We need a movement
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: Community networks are a good point to start
Eco Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: Learnings from natural disasters
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: Emergency solutions from the private sector
Access Sound Bites at the IGF 2023: The beginning and the end is still connectivity
Fragmentos sonoros sobre acceso en el FGI 2023: Una internet para todas las personas y sin barreras
Fragmentos sonoros sobre acceso en el FGI 2023: Hay que escuchar a quienes usan la tecnología y a la juventud
Episode 3: Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2023
Episode 2: Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2023
The IGF We Want: Es desde estos espacios donde se crean nuevas vías para pensar internet de cara al futuro
Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2022 in Ethiopia – Episode 5
Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2022 in Ethiopia – Episode 4
Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2022 in Ethiopia – Episode 3
Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2022 in Ethiopia – Episode 2
Local Sound Bites at the Internet Governance Forum 2022 in Ethiopia – Episode 1
APC and internet governance in 2020
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